07/10/23, 17:26

Director of the Forestry Agency Nizomiddin Bakirov Uzun got acquainted with the work being carried out in the state forestry.

For information: Currently, more than 60 types of fruit and ornamental tree and shrub seedlings are grown in Uzun State Forestry, which are in high demand.

While inspecting the seedlings grown in the forestry area, the head of the Agernt noted the seedlings grown and cared for in the forestry area under the nationwide project "Green Space" to increase the variety of seedlings. Delivery throughout the republic, on the basis of this project, to increase the number of seedlings grown in the existing forest farms in Surkhandarya region from 10 million per year, as well as to further increase the types of medicinal plants and expand their areas. gave necessary instructions and recommendations to employees.