07/10/23, 17:37

Leasing of forest land has its own requirements

According to the established legislation, the right to lease the used or unused lands of the Forest Fund is carried out through an auction. In addition, it is stipulated that these lands will be leased to individuals and legal entities on the basis of an investment contract or PPP for a period of not less than 3 years and not more than 49 years. Forest fund land lease agreements are drawn up in accordance with the accepted model agreement.

The rate of rent payment is 10 basic calculation amounts for 1 hectare of the forest fund plot (previously, the minimum rate was 20 basic calculation amounts). A separate account is kept of the funds from the rent payment and they are directed to the activities of reforestation.

A meeting was organized in Ohangaron forestry with tenants who signed a lease agreement with Ohangaron forestry under the Prosecutor's Office of Tashkent region, about not using the land without purpose, investments and jobs being created. The meeting was attended by Bahrom Kholmirzayev from the Eco Prosecutor's Office and industry representatives.

During the meeting, the officials presented appropriate recommendations.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency.