27/03/24, 11:01

Uzbekistan's experience in creating protective forest plantations at the bottom of the Aral Sea is being studied

The problem with the drying up of the Aral Sea is that forest plantations have already been created on its dry bottom, but they are still very few and cannot protect against easy migration of sands. Today, several measures are being taken to create forest plantations.

For information, it should be noted that today Uzbekistan has accumulated a lot of practical experience in creating forest plantations in the Arolboi region. Currently, 1 million 730 thousand hectares of forest plantations are being created at the bottom of the Aral Sea based on the scientific developments of the Forestry Research Institute.

Masters of the Faculty of Forestry of Astana Agrarian University in order to study the experience of Uzbekistan in creating protective forest plantations at the bottom of the Aral Sea, Forestry of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change visited the research institute. During the visit, academician Zinoviy Novitsky, doctor of agricultural sciences, gave a lecture to the students, showing presentation works and video materials.

Within the framework of the lecture, the masters were invited to develop a unified system for improving the forest melioration condition of the bottom of the Aral Sea between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, as well as to make comprehensive recommendations for the creation of protective forest plantations. At the same time, the need to establish centers for the cultivation of seedlings of desert plants was discussed. At the end of the visit, Kazakhstan asked Uzbekistan for practical recommendations on the creation of forest plantations.

It should be noted that exchange of experience between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in this regard is regularly conducted. University students are interested in studying methods and technologies of growing desert plants, creating forest plantations and preventing negative impact on the bottom of the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan.