20/09/23, 16:10


The new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted by popular vote at a referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan held on April 30, 2023.

The new version of the Constitution establishes comprehensive measures for environmental protection.

An event dedicated to the widespread dissemination of the contents of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new edition is being held in the capital with the participation of officials from the forestry agency.

At the event, detailed information was presented on the implementation of the decree “On priority measures for the implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new edition” and the program of activities to implement the tasks arising from our agenda in the new edition.

As you know, unconditional enforcement of the constitutional norms established by our fundamental law allows us to raise “human dignity” in literally all areas, to manage the life of the state and society in a new and modern way on the basis of the “person – society-state” system.

The new version of the Constitution establishes comprehensive measures for environmental protection.

Experts say that ecology in our country. attitudes towards environmental protection are changing dramatically. The legislative framework governing and regulating this area is being improved.

A completely new ecological thinking, an ecological worldview is being formed, and the culture of the population in this regard is growing. After all, this is a vital necessity.

The legislation also establishes that the state creates conditions for public control in the field of urban planning activities in order to ensure the environmental rights of citizens and prevent harmful impacts on the environment.

The environment is an important factor influencing human health and life, and, according to the UN, 20-40 percent of human health depends on the state of the environment. A healthy environment is becoming increasingly important in our time when global problems threaten the future of humanity. Therefore, in many developed countries this problem is widely discussed, and new regulations on environmental protection are introduced in their constitutions.

At the end of the event, the content of the constitutional law and the significance of the introduced norms for society, including for each person, were explained in detail.