21/08/23, 15:35

Do you know what percentage of forest land in Uzbekistan is desert?

In our country, 82% of the lands of the forest fund are desert, 14% are mountains, and 4% are orchards.

In the first half of this year, in order to stabilize the ecological situation, the Forestry Agency carried out measures to establish and restore forests on an area of 200,000 hectares.

128,000 hectares in the Moynak district, 40,000 hectares in the Bukhara region, 17,000 hectares in the Navoi region, and 10,000 hectares in the Khorezm region in order to eliminate sand migration and the rise of salt and dust in the atmosphere in the dry bottom of the Aral Sea and the Aral coastal areas. "green covers" of saxovol and other desert plants were established on the square.

940 tons of seeds of trees and shrubs were collected by forestry enterprises. On 545 hectares, nurseries and nurseries of landscape and fruit trees and shrubs suitable for soil and climate conditions were established. Within the national project "Green Space" 22 million seedlings and cuttings of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs suitable for climatic conditions were delivered in the spring season of this year.

On the outskirts of irrigated agricultural lands, 2,000 hectares of tree plantations were established.

In order to protect and preserve forests, the system organizations conducted studies against forest diseases and pests on an area of 40,000 hectares.

3.5 thousand hectares of unused land in the forest fund were developed.

A plantation of medicinal and nutritious plants was established on an area of 5,000 hectares, and 2,000 tons of raw materials were grown.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency.