06/11/24, 17:07

"Samila F1" cucumber seeds were planted in a modern greenhouse in Kumdarya State Forestry of Kashkadarya Region

A new project on the cultivation of agricultural products was launched in the Kumdarya State Forestry in a modern greenhouse built on the basis of Chinese technology. "Samila F1" cucumber seeds were sown in this greenhouse and became one of the types of intensive care.

The use of a modern greenhouse is carried out taking into account the local climatic conditions. Cucumber "Samila F1" grown on the basis of new technologies has a high productivity and is of great importance in meeting the demand of the local market and directing it to export. In addition, the greenhouse not only increases productivity, but also makes it possible to continuously grow products regardless of weather conditions.

Within the framework of the project, the possibilities of saving energy resources and adapting to the natural climate have been expanded by effectively using Chinese technology. This is an important step in getting more crops and developing agriculture in the future.

After the successful completion of planting in this greenhouse, it is planned to deliver products to the local market and foreign countries.