17/03/23, 08:47

Taravat is a special Navruz!

Nowruz is one of the most prestigious spring holidays! The popularity of this holiday is increasing year by year.

A solemn event dedicated to Nowruz holiday and International Day of Forests was organized at the representative office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Uzbekistan.

It is known that Navroz was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind in 2009. In 2010, the UN General Assembly declared March 21 as "International Nowruz Day" and welcomed the efforts of the member states celebrating this holiday to preserve and develop the culture and traditions related to it.

The UN General Assembly resolution calls on member states to raise awareness of Nowruz and organize events to celebrate the vernal equinox every year. Nowruz is of special importance to FAO because this ancient holiday has been celebrated since the existence of agriculture and it marks the arrival of spring and the beginning of agricultural work.

At the Nowruz event, it was emphasized that forests, their sustainable management and use of resources are important in combating climate change, contributing to the prospects and well-being of current and future generations.

According to experts, forests play a crucial role in fighting poverty and achieving sustainable development goals. However, despite these invaluable ecological, economic, social and medical properties, forests are under serious threat worldwide from fires, pests, drought and unplanned logging.

The representative office of FAO in Uzbekistan is planning to organize a tree planting event together with a number of partners. It should be noted that beautification of territories and preservation of healthy environment are in line with the goals and objectives of the national program "Green Space" implemented at the initiative of the head of our state.

Today, with the support of the Global Environmental Fund, FAO is implementing the project "Sustainable management of forests in the mountain and valley regions of Uzbekistan" in Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the project, the effective implementation of the principles of sustainable forest management, rational use of forest resources, preservation of productivity and ecological functions of forests, biological and landscape diversity is being carried out in the areas located in Syrdarya, Kashkadarya and Namangan regions. In addition, special attention is paid to the implementation of information and communication technologies in the processes of beautification and greening, sustainable management of forests and ensuring gender equality in forestry.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency