28/04/23, 09:08

Did you know that juniper has medicinal properties for human health?

It is known that the fir trees in the highest part of the mountains are sparse, low in height, their trunks are crooked, and they often grow on the ground. Archazors live for 600-700 years (some up to 2000 years). It performs important tasks such as collecting water in the mountains, preventing soil erosion, and eliminating floods.

Juniper is very important in the economy. The wood is used in architecture, carving and pencil making. Some species are used as decorative plants. Various substances (essential oil, resin, sugar, wax and organic acids) are extracted from the domes. Tincture of Qubbasi is used in medicine as a diuretic, expectorant and digestive medicine. The cedrol fraction of the essential oil obtained from Central Asian species is used in the treatment of wounds and bone perforations.

Information service of the Forestry Agency