16/08/24, 15:00

Methods of soil cultivation

Biological method: this includes measures such as controlling the synthesis and decay of organic matter in the soil, planting high-yielding, disease- and pest-resistant varieties, and introducing crop rotation.

Chemical method: in this, mineral and bacterial fertilizers are applied to the ground, gypsum and other substances are used, and the amount of substances that are easily absorbed by the plant in the soil is increased. When the earth is limed, the acidity of the soil, and when plastered, the alkalinity is normalized, creating a good environment for the growth of plants.

Physical method: in this, the earth is subjected to physico-mechanical action, that is, a complex of activities is carried out to control the structure of the soil and its air, heat, water and other regimes. In addition, the collection and drainage works for the removal of land waste, salt washing, reducing the level of storm water, as well as plowing and furrows before and after planting crops are included in the physical method.