05/03/24, 09:36

She is a loving mother, beloved husband, responsible employee!

A woman is the future of the nation, the successor of life. A country whose women are honored and appreciated will be prosperous today and tomorrow. With women's work, society develops and progresses. Therefore, in our country, special care is given to women and great attention is paid to alleviating their burden.

Spring, the season of living and renewal in our country, begins with holidays. The first holiday of spring is March 8 - International Women's Day. Celebrations are held in our country on the occasion of International Women's Day.

At the event organized by the trade union of employees of the agro-industry complex, it was noted that protecting the interests of women is one of the most important tasks in our country today.

Today, the role of active, master of their profession, creative women and girls in our society is getting stronger and stronger. Women's delicate taste, diligent approach to every work, and natural resourcefulness are the reasons why they work effectively in all fields. Because those who unite the family and our society, bring grace and blessings to it, illuminate our homes with the light of love, elegance and goodness, are actually our honorable mothers and sisters.

At the event, the officials sent holiday greetings to all the women who are tirelessly serving in various fields in the republic.