26/04/23, 09:26

The main source of cure for diseases is nature!

Man has used the resources of the plant world for thousands of years to treat and prevent various diseases. Even in the times when medicine was not yet developed, people got sick and were treated with medicinal herbs given by nature.

Medicinal plants are divided into several types, such as alkaloidal, glycoside, essential oil, vitamin, depending on the composition of active substances. Or, depending on its pharmacological properties, it acts as a sedative, pain reliever, hypnotic, affects the cardiovascular system, stimulates the central nervous system, and lowers blood pressure. Their effect on the body depends on the amount of chemical compounds in its composition. These compounds accumulate in various parts of the plant. It seems that nature is the main source of cure for diseases.

The decree of the head of our state "On measures to create an added value chain by supporting the effective use of the raw material base of medicinal plants and processing" and "Cultural cultivation and processing of medicinal plants" and in the decision on measures to organize their wide use in treatment" in 2022-2026, licorice, saffron, kavrak, lavender, stevia, chamomile, namatak, ravoch, mavrak, dalachoy on 36 thousand hectares , such tasks as organizing the cultivation of tograyhon, bojmadaran, deer grass, kovol, peppermint and other medicinal plants have been set.

Accoding to these documents, every 10 hectares of land area under the condition of applying water-saving technologies to the construction of a pump station to draw water from rivers, canals and other reservoirs, and to dig wells for the release of water to cultural plantations of medicinal plants. 600,000 soums per meter but no more than 120 million soums will be subsidized through the Horticulture and Greenhouse Development Fund.

Also, 12-month "revolver" loans at an annual rate of 14 percent will be allocated to those who process, store and export medicinal plants - to replenish working capital required for the purchase of cultivated products. Up to 50% of the costs of road, rail and air transport of the business entities exporting raw materials of medicinal plants and biologically active supplements, essences and extracts made from them will be reimbursed by the Export Promotion Agency.

Information service of the Forestry Agency