06/05/23, 09:05

There is a person who deserves to be remembered, which means that he also deserves to be appreciated!

Man is the lifeblood. His value and respect are always worthy of respect. In the narrations of Imam Tirmidhi, it is said: "Remember the good qualities of those who have passed away, and refrain from mentioning their bad qualities."

Muhitdin Kalandarov was one of the dedicated employees of the forestry sector.

M. Qalandarov was born in 1957 in Kitab District, Kashkadarya Region, Uzbek nationality. In 1988, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Forestry of the Tashkent Agricultural Institute. In 1988-1990, he worked as an engineer in the forest improvement department of Kitab, Kashkadarya region.

Since August 1990, he worked as a laboratory assistant, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor and professor at the Department of Forestry of Tashkent State Agrarian University. From July 1994 to September 1997, he worked as the deputy dean for spiritual, educational and educational affairs of the Faculty of Fruit and Vegetables and Forestry. He was the leader in organizing and equipping the spiritual and educational rooms in the student house of the faculty. Working as a researcher, he defended his candidate's thesis in 2004 and received the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences.

Today, M. Qalandarov has published 4 textbooks, 9 training manuals, 3 methodical manuals, 1 monograph, two recommendations and articles in more than 100 scientific journals of the republic and foreign countries. He organizes timely roundtable discussions for the engineers and technicians of the large forest farms of our Republic on the introduction of new technologies in the field of production. To date, he has participated in several foreign and national scientific projects as an executor. Kalandarov M.M. in addition to carrying out scientific and pedagogical work, he also actively participated in public and spiritual-educational work of the university.

Our society has lost another devoted employee, a sincere person. M. Qalandorov died on May 3 this year.

There is a person who deserves to be remembered, which means that he also deserves to be appreciated. The kindness, kindness and dedication of our people is especially evident in the example of "Day of Remembrance and Appreciation", like all our holidays.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency