28/09/23, 16:41

What works were carried out within the national project "Green Space"?

This year, within the framework of the "Green Space" national project, in order to further improve the ecological situation in the regions, it is planned to establish "green parks" on a total area of 347.1 hectares. To date, a total of 134 local councils have taken relevant decisions on allocating land for the purpose of establishing "green parks". In turn, contracts were signed with the "Yashilloiha" design institute for the development of project documents in order to organize "green parks" to be established in the regions based on the established requirements.

The "Green Project" Design Institute conducted practical work on the development of project-estimate documents for the establishment of "Green Gardens". In particular, project-estimate documents for the establishment of "green parks" in the districts and cities of Andijan, Jizzakh, Syrdaryo, and Tashkent provinces were developed and examined by the state unitary enterprise "Urban Planning Documents Expertise" in the prescribed manner. Project-estimate documents developed for the establishment of "green parks" in the districts and cities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Fergana, and Khorezm provinces were submitted for examination.

Ministries and organizations have decided to establish green parks in mountainous and sub-mountainous areas of Bostonliq district of Tashkent region. In order to ensure the implementation of this task, 146,000 tree and shrub seedlings were planted on a total area of 326 hectares in the spring of this year in Bostanliq district.

Also, in the spring season of 2023, works on the establishment of "green gardens" were carried out on a total area of 9.3 hectares in the Fergana region. Currently, land preparation works have been completed in Saykhunabad and Syrdarya districts of Syrdarya region. Currently, land preparation works are starting in other regions. Construction of "green gardens" in the regions will be fully completed during the autumn planting season this year. In addition, it is planned to plant 44,000 tree saplings in order to create a "green garden" on 110 hectares of land of the Zomin State Forestry in the Zomin district of the Jizzakh region. Currently, project-estimate documents are being developed and are being examined.

"Yashilloiha" design institute developed project-estimate documents for the establishment of the Ministry of Mining and Geology on an area of 65 hectares and passed the examination. To date, about 25,000 pits have been dug and land preparation works are being carried out by "Yashil hudud" DUK. In turn, it is planned to plant saplings in full in the autumn season of this year.

In addition, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Digital Technologies, the "Yashilloiha" design institute for the organization of parks "Kishloq Kurilish Bank" ADB and "Asakabank" ADB have developed project-estimate documents and taken measures for examination. is being done. According to the projects, 22,000 in the park of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, 17,000 in the park of the Ministry of Digital Technologies, 7,500 in the park of "Asakabank" ADB and 12,500 in the park of "Kishloq Kurilish Bank" ADB Planting of seedlings suitable for the climatic conditions of Bostonliq district is planned.

After the examination of the project-estimate documents in the prescribed manner, pits will be dug, land preparation will be carried out in the areas designated by "Yashil hudud" DUK, and planting of seedlings is planned to be carried out in full in the autumn season of this year.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency.