03/06/24, 11:37

What practical works have been carried out in the "Zomin" tourist-recreational zone?

It is known that the effective use of the existing tourist potential of mountainous regions, the creation of favorable conditions for business entities, the construction of international all-season resorts, hotel complexes, cultural and health care, trade and entertainment and other tourism infrastructure facilities. "Zomin" tourism-recreational zone was established for the purpose of construction, effective use of existing resources and creation of additional jobs. In order to protect the environment and preserve the flora and fauna in this area, to create green spaces between public and tourism infrastructure facilities, streets and footpaths, and for greening, ornamental trees on an area of ​​29.0 hectares it is planned to plant seedlings.

Project documents for planting and maintenance of 12,900 ornamental tree saplings were developed in the designated area by the "Yashilloiha" design institute under the Ministry of Ecology. Currently, "Yashil hudud" DUK under the Forestry Agency has started practical work on the basis of the project documents, and a total of 3.5 thousand pieces of large-sized trees, such as zarang, Crimean pine, shumtol and sadagayragoch, are suitable for the soil and climate conditions of the area. seedlings were planted.

It should be noted that the borders of "Zomin" tourist and recreation zone and "Suffa Plateau. 2 400" international all-season resort and the description of the boundaries of the tourist complex "Oriklisoy" and the concept of the development of the tourist-recreational zone "Zomin" have been approved, and a modern ropeway with a length of 2,640 meters has been built in the zone.