
Leadership lectures

On the report on the work carried out by the State Forestry Committee and the organizations in its system in the first half of 2017 and the work to be done in the second half of                                                                                           this year, the Chairman of the Committee N. Bakirov's lecture

                                                                                                                    Hello dear colleagues!     

                                                                                              Dear participants of the meeting of selectors!

It's been 3 months since our committee was established, a number of things have been done in the past short period.

Taking into account the large number of issues on the agenda of today's meeting, without taking up much of your time, I would like to dwell not on our achievements and successes in the system, but on the main priorities set before us by the Head of State. .

From now on, the achievements of our committee in front of our country will be evaluated by the performance of the system offices and organizations, including our farms. In order to raise these indicators to a higher level, it is necessary to revise our corporate management, that is, the mechanism of working as a team.

This means that between the Committee and the regional administration, between the regional administration and the farms, and the farms, each department and department specialist is busy with work, what should be done, and complete the task. We need to critically re-examine with the questions of whether it is performing well. In this:

What should the committee do to create conditions for the enterprises of the subsystem? Is it necessary to make changes to regulatory legal documents? Need help with funding? Is there a need for government benefits in some areas? - The committee has started work on the questions and is looking for a solution.

Also, how can the offices and organizations of the Committee located in the Republic help the Committee and the forest farms in its system?

What should forest farms do in order to fulfill the assigned tasks? What is the opportunity to improve performance? What is missing (technique, machinery, equipment, regulatory documents or other resources) and what problems are there should be studied in depth.

About the work carried out in the system of the General Directorate of Forestry during the first quarter of 2017 in connection with the socio-economic development of the sector                                                                                                     and the fulfillment of the tasks set for 2017


                                                                                                               Dear meeting participants!

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 14, 2017 "Deputy prime ministers, state and economic management bodies, heads of hokimias to eliminate shortcomings in the development of sectors and regions, as well as the most important directions of the economic and social program of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017 and to ensure the implementation of the tasks of the minutes of the meeting No. 1 on the topic of "reports on practical measures for the implementation of priority tasks", at this meeting the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev "Critical analysis, The priority tasks described in the report "strict discipline and personal responsibility - the daily rule of every leader's activity" were accepted as program actions in the activities of all of us, including republican forestry. Also, the state program "Year of dialogue with the people and human interests" and the "Strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan are documents aimed at raising the lifestyle of our people to a higher level and ensuring prosperity. .

Today, it is the first time that the state administration bodies must strengthen executive discipline, ensure that the decrees, decisions, orders, statements, verbal and written assignments of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers are fulfilled in their time frame. task was defined. In connection with this issue, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 11, 2017 "In order to effectively and efficiently execute the documents and assignments of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to strengthen the executive discipline, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall appoint the State Councilors, the Cabinet of Ministers and its complexes, the state and the economy The system of organizing executive discipline and monitoring the execution of documents was determined by the decision PQ-2881 "On the personal responsibility of the heads of public administration bodies and hokimities of all levels".

Based on the decision, daily monitoring and control of executive discipline from each organization and head of forestry, organizing and ensuring the maintenance of relevant control cards in the prescribed manner, personal responsibility and accountability of responsible employees in this regard determination of strengthening measures, the proportion of responsible persons who did not sufficiently ensure the execution of documents

               About the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan"


                                                                                                        Dear Abdulla Nigmatovich and members of the Board!

The draft Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan" is brought to your attention.

With this draft Law, additions and changes are made to Articles 77, 245, 261 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility.

The draft law was developed based on the letter No. 03-393-XDF of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 24, 2017 and the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 03/1-395 dated March 3, 2017.

The need to adopt this draft Law is based on the following main reasons:

first of all, the rules of forest fund land use should be brought into line with today's requirements and the types of violations should be clearly defined;

secondly, in the practice of applying the law, there are many problems when considering violations of the rules of forest fund land use;

thirdly, there is a need to strengthen the requirements for the ban on livestock grazing on the lands of the forest fund.

Because, as a result of livestock grazing in the area covered with trees and bushes of the forest fund, the trees and bushes that have grown up for several years are damaged and lead to its destruction. escapes punishment. (the amount of damage caused as a result of damaging a tree with a body diameter of 24 cm leading to construction is 1.9 coefficient of the minimum wage, i.e. 284872.5 soums or the amount of damage for a 40 cm tree is 614077.5 soums ). In addition, the lands of the forest fund are protected by 717 forest supervisors. More than 2,300 supervisory staff are required to carry out protection and conservation work.

The forest fund has more than 500,000 hectares of pastures with medicinal plants. Therefore, this code prohibits grazing of livestock in areas covered with forests and medicinal plants, as it causes the loss of flora and fauna. requirements for a ban on grazing and the responsibility of citizens and officials are being strengthened.

The draft law:

To improve the mechanism of regulation of forest fund land use relations;

To improve the system of protection of flora and fauna on the lands of the Forest Fund and its rational and economical use;

To ensure the rights and obligations of permanent forest users and temporary forest users, to further expand their material interests;

aimed at eliminating the problems arising in the practice of applying the law, existing gaps in the legislation.

Abdulla Nigmatovich and members of the Board!

The draft law was posted on the Unified interactive state services portal, and a wide public discussion was held.

Also, the legislation of a number of foreign (European and Commonwealth of Independent States) countries was studied during the drafting of the Law.

Adoption of this law will have the following results:

first - the gap in preventing violations of forest fund land use rules will be filled;

secondly, the rights and obligations of permanent forest users and temporary forest users were clearly defined;

thirdly, the effectiveness of preventing violations of forest fund land use rules will increase;

fourthly - a legal solution to the problems regarding the consideration of the violation of the law committed on the lands of the forest fund is determined.

The ministry is interested in the established order of the draft law

and agencies (Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection, State Committee for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre, Republic of Uzbekistan The Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, "Uzfarmsanoat" JSC) were agreed. In addition, a positive conclusion of the Institute of Monitoring of Current Legal Documents under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was received.

Dear Abdulla Nigmatovich and members of the Board!

This draft law is aimed at regulating the use of the forest fund, strengthening responsibility for cases of forest law violations, increasing the responsibility of citizens and officials, and first of all, protecting the natural environment and flora. I ask for approval

My report is finished, thank you for your attention!