
International Relations

Information on the ongoing work to attract international projects by international projects monitoring

Participated in a number of meetings and negotiations on drafting and implementing the projects outlined in the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2014 No. 190, December 24, 2014 № 363 and № 255 of August 29, 2015. In addition, significant work has been done to fulfill the tasks set out in the reports of the Government meeting on the development of the forestry sector and attract foreign investment in the forestry sector.

As a result, as of April 2016, 5 projects totaling $ 7 million 200 are being implemented. These are the following projects:

1. “Monitoring and evaluation (inventory) of the republican forest resources”. The UN FAO and the Government have ratified it. The project cost is $ 450,000.

2. “Sustainable development of hunting farming and ecotourism in Uzbekistan through assistance to flora and fauna”. Currently, the project has been approved by the relevant ministries and agencies and approved by the Government and approved by the Sultanate of Bin Laden Tax Al-Nehyan United Arab Emirates. The project cost is $ 1 million 750 thousand.
3. Working with the German Society for International Cooperation (GITS) to work on the project “Establishment of a joint forest management model through the preparation of forestry products on the territory of the State Forest Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan and creation of plantation plantation at the plant”. is being processed. The project cost is 100 thousand Euros.
4. “Sustainable management of mountain and valley forests”. The UN FAO and the Government have ratified it. The project cost is US $ 4.5 million. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approved the project and will begin developing the project’s specific activities since April. The GEF allocated funds for this purpose.
5. On August 26, 2015, between South Korea’s SK Forest Company and Navoi Central Forestry, a $ 410,000 contract was signed on the establishment of shelter forests around Navoi Free Industrial Economic Zone.
In the fourth quarter of 2017 it is planned to start implementation of three grant projects with the total cost of 3 million 300 thousand US dollars and 3 million 100 thousand euros.
Also, our Committee is negotiating with the Ministry of Forestry of Turkey for the implementation of the project “Implementation of Forestry Planting on 20,000 hectares in the Aral Sea Region and Establishment of Desert-Specific Forestry Seed Breeding Baseline” for US $ 5 million. On August 10, 2011, it is planned to hold a meeting with Turkish experts.
At the same time, the UNO FAO has been working on four projects worth $ 34 million. The Green Fund and the Global Environment Facility will be used.

In the first half of 2016, three more projects are expected to be signed.

1. “Land Use on the Basis of Ecosystem Stability in the Lower Amudarya Stream”. The project will be jointly implemented with the Ministry of Environment of Germany and the Zukhkov Foundation and GITS. The project cost is 2 million Euros. The project will be signed in May.

2. Project «Assistance to natural rehabilitation of tugai on 5000 hectares of coastal zone of the Amudarya delta and strengthening of material and technical basis of forestry». The cost of this project is $ 3 million. US Dollars. The project will be implemented jointly with TIKA. At the beginning of March, TIKA experts came and studied the project areas. The Turkish side expressed its willingness to sign this project in the first half of this year.

3. The Regional Project “Protection of the Central Asian Deserts” in cooperation with the German International Climate Initiative Fund. The project cost is 3 million 300 thousand euros. This regional project is scheduled for launch in May.

Also, a number of projects are being implemented with the participation of China’s APFNET, Mikhail Zukkov Foundation, Sultan Bin Takhnin and KOICA.

Information on the work done by the State Committee for Forestry of the Republic of Uzbekistan on attraction of international grants in 2017

By August of this year, the Department of Forestry managed to implement four projects totaling $ 4 million 180 thousand and 300 thousand euros.