
Community council

The main tasks of the public council are as follows:

It is the duty of the state body to ensure that public interests and public opinion are taken into account in the adopted normative legal documents, decisions, as well as in state, sector and regional development programs, and to ensure the implementation of the requirements of legal documents in the field of protecting the rights and legal interests of citizens, legal entities, and the interests of society. and implementation of public control over the activities of the state body and its officials in the performance of tasks and functions related to social and public interests, provision of public services, implementation of transactions, contracts, projects and programs implemented within the framework of social partnership;

acting as a "bridge" connecting the state body with citizens to ensure effective cooperation of the state body with non-governmental non-profit organizations, mass media and other institutions of civil society;

generalization and assessment of social and socially significant projects received from non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society to state administration bodies;

systematic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of public opinion on the activities of the state body on the most important issues affecting the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens, conducting sociological surveys, including conducting them using information and communication technologies;

participating in the development and implementation of state programs and other programs in the field of fighting corruption in the activities of the state body, monitoring and analyzing the work carried out to fight against corruption, as well as preparing proposals based on their results;

monitoring of the measures implemented to ensure the openness of the activities of the state body, analyzing the possibilities of obtaining detailed information about its activities, developing proposals for their further expansion;

to study the conditions created for citizens' participation in the reform of the activities of the state body and develop proposals for their improvement;

participation in educational activities and educational events held among citizens on the activities of the state body, developing suggestions for improving their effectiveness;

comprehensive analysis of housing, social and household, service conditions of employees of state bodies and their families, conditions of providing them with qualified medical care, as well as social and professional adaptation of dismissed or reserved employees, and improvement of these conditions based on the results of the analysis making suggestions about

The composition of the Public Council under the State Forestry Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Position of F.I.Sh


Phone number (email)

1 Khamzaev Abdushukur Khudoykulovich

Deputy chairman of the committee

Chairman of the Public Council

71 225 72 32

2 Masharipov Ulug'bek

Head of the Department for Monitoring the Implementation of Forest Law Requirements

Deputy Chairman of the Public Council

71 263 08 24 (108)

3 Yodgorova Gulrukh

Leading specialist of the Department of Investment Attraction and Development of Public-Private Partnership

Clerk of the Community Council

71 263 08 24

4 Latipov Muzaffar

Head of the Organizational Control and Analysis Department

Member of the Public Council

71 263 08 24 (209)

5 Khudjaev Ganisher

Deputy head of the Department of Forest Protection and Protection

Member of the Public Council

71 263 08 24 (418)

6 Khojaev Olim

Economic analysis, forecasting. Deputy Head of Funding and Fund Management Department

Member of the Public Council

71 263 08 24 (208)

7 Kholmatov Kamoliddin

Head of the HR department

Member of the Public Council

71 263 08 24 (113)

8 Ibadullaeva Aigul Radjapbaevna

Head of the Training Center of the Scientific and Research Institute of Forestry

Member of the Public Council

71 225 72 32

9 Fazliev Farrukh

Head of the Department of National Nature Parks and Hunting Farms

Member of the Public Council

98 007 29 80

10 Odilov Takhirjon

Head of DUK "Ormoninvest".

Member of the Public Council

90 371 23 32

The composition of the public council was approved by the order of the chairman of the State Forestry Committee No. 112 dated July 6, 2020.

The Committee is a working body of the Public Council of the Press Service.

Contact the press service:

F.I.Sh: Ashurov Otabek Anvarovich

tel. +998 (71) 263-03