11/05/23, 09:20

Atmospheric air, which is the source of life for humanity and all other living creatures, is polluted mainly by two sources: natural factors and the product of human activity - anthropogenic sources.

According to UN data, every year 7 million people worldwide die due to air pollution. Most of them have cancer, respiratory or heart diseases. Children are more likely to develop asthma, chronic lung diseases, stunted growth, obesity and mental retardation.

Scientists have found a sharp decrease in the concentration of air pollutants, especially the level of nitrogen oxides, in many cities of the world. This was mainly the result of reduced traffic in urban areas.

Experts say that air quality is affected by many other pollutants besides vehicles. For example, the level of pollution from small particles that rise into the air during the heating of residential buildings and other buildings or during the fertilization of fields has not decreased.

According to studies, anthropogenic sources of pollution, as well as natural sources of pollution, play a major role in the formation of the quality and quantity of atmospheric air in our country.

Nowadays, the influence of mankind on the environment is becoming more and more intense, as a result of which the main process that ensures the continuity of life - i.e. the disturbance of the natural balance, the emergence of unfavorable ecological conditions in many areas of the earth's surface, local, regional and global levels. causing environmental problems. The natural factors that pollute the atmosphere include the spread of harmful factors to nature and the environment as a result of the erosion of rocks, the consequences of earthquakes, the eruption of volcanoes, and forest fires.

So, what measures are important to take to breathe clean atmosphere?

It is known that many plant species act as a biofilter by increasing air humidity and reducing the concentration of pollutants.

The air is cleaned from gases and harmful waste of enterprises due to natural processes of nature, such as wind, rain, snow. Unfortunately, such a "cleaning system" is not provided in closed structures, so the air inside the building can be dirtier than outside. In closed structures, in addition to dust, harmful substances released from furniture, building materials and household chemicals accumulate. The microclimate in buildings can be improved with the help of ordinary indoor flowers. Certain types of plants act as biofilters by increasing air humidity and reducing the concentration of pollutants.

In order to achieve a clean atmosphere and protect human health, the preservation and increase of the green world has been raised to the level of state policy. At the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the nationwide project "Green Space" is being widely implemented. Within the framework of this project, it is planned to plant 200 million tree and shrub saplings per year, thereby increasing green spaces in cities.

Environmental factors also play a leading role in determining the happiness index. The greater the area of green space in the country, the higher the level of happiness. Therefore, it is the duty of all of us to take care of the natural environment, preserve biodiversity, and expand the "green world".

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency