11/05/23, 09:19

мIf the lands of the forest fund are used excessively for grazing purposes, the lands may be subject to erosion and degradation

During the visit to our country, a delegation consisting of representatives of the Japanese company "Asia Survey LTD" (Takaki Tayodo and Jannalar) also participated in the conference dedicated to the International Earth Day held in Tashkent. Ohangaron also visited the State Forestry and visited the degraded areas in the Lashkarak section of the farm, where there are landslides and flood hazards, and the areas around and adjacent to the Charvoq reservoir and where erosion is occurring. got acquainted with the roadsides.

The delegation was accompanied by Yusuke Takeda, who was involved as an international expert consultant to the Forestry Agency through Japan's international cooperation agency JAYKA, and his assistant Aralova Dildora, as well as the deputy head of the Agency's International Relations and Ecotourism Development Department.

During the visit of the delegation to the Jizzakh region, the activities of the Forish State Forestry Region were studied. In the villages adjacent to the Forish State Forestry, they got acquainted with the villages that were damaged by the flood, the reasons for the damage and the plans for taking necessary measures to prevent such damage from happening in the future were determined.

On May 2 of this year, the delegation was received by the Ministry of Natural Resources and agency employees at the Forestry Agency

During the meeting, the representatives gave a detailed report on the research conducted on the lands of the forest fund. Conclusions on the report were heard and relevant proposals were received. In particular, it has been determined that in all the areas where the study was carried out, sufficient forest fund lands are exposed to erosion and degradation due to excessive use for grazing purposes, and that these negative consequences may harm the local population living in the areas and adjacent areas in the form of natural disasters. Forestry was cited as an example of a flood. In turn, the Uzbek side, taking these conclusions into account, agreed to jointly take measures to implement practical projects involving the international grand projects of the Japan International Cooperation Agency JAYKA.