15/05/24, 10:48

Further development of poultry farming is an important step towards food security

The development of the world livestock industry shows that the production of poultry meat in livestock farming is developing faster than in other animal species. Poultry is not called "One of the Seven Treasures" for nothing, because it is well known that a chicken can become meat, lay eggs and become a source of other products used in social life in a short period of time.

Today, due to the rapid growth of broiler chickens and the production of high-quality cheap meat compared to spent feed, the recovery of costs in a short time, and the increase in the population's demand for dietary poultry, the interest in poultry farming is increasing.

Khorezm State Forestry Department of Khorezm Region is implementing a number of measures to develop poultry farming.

It should be noted that a number of subsidies and benefits are given to the poultry industry, and the funds saved using the benefits are directed to the development of poultry enterprises and modernization of production, as well as the creation of new poultry enterprises and farms.