07/10/23, 17:22

Viola flowers are being grown for the winter season in the Surkhandarya State Forestry

On September 29 of this year, the director of the Forestry Agency, Nizomiddin Bakirov, went to Surkhandarya region to familiarize himself with the work being done in forestry.

The director of the agency started his practical visit to the Surkhondarya region with Viola flowers grown for the winter season in the Surkhondarya state forestry nursery. During the study, necessary instructions and recommendations were given to the workers.

For information: the total number of Viola flowers grown in the nursery of Surkhandarya State Forestry is 500,000, and they are planted throughout the Surkhandarya region.

Also, 1 hectare of land has been allocated from the territory of Surkhandarya State Forestry, and bell pepper seedlings are being grown in a greenhouse on the basis of entrepreneurship. The director of the agency, Nizomiddin Bakirov, did not hide his joy while inspecting the bell pepper seedlings and expressed his gratitude to all those working in this place.